Letter Requesting U.S. Senate to Censure Sen. Blackburn

The Chinese American organizations in 50 states / December 8, 2020

The Honorable Mitchell McConnell, Charles Schumer, Lindsay Graham, Diane Feinstein, James Lankford and Christopher Coons United States Senate Washington, DC 20515

Dear Senators McConnell, Schumer, Graham, Feinstein, Lankford and Coons:

We, the undersigned Chinese American organizations from nearly every state in the United States, are writing to call on you to condemn and censure Senator Blackburn of Tennessee for her recent racist comments that are unfitting a member of the U.S. Senate.

In a December 3, 2020 tweet, Senator Blackburn asserted: “China has a 5,000 year history of cheating and stealing. Some things will never change…” This public statement, based on sheer falsehood and hatred, is discriminatory, insulting and racist.

Rarely has a U.S. Senator stooped so low in attacking an entire civilization and its people with such malicious intent. Rarely has a U.S. Senator so blatantly spread such malign lies which has no basis in human history.

In a time when Chinese- and Asian-Americans are victims to increasing COVID-inspired racist speech and attacks, Senator Blackburn’s public statement will have profound societal repercussions. Senator Blackgurn’s attack undermines America’s multi-ethnic democratic experience, which is a foundation of our national greatness. For that matter, generations of Americans have dedicated their lives to the inclusion and integration of diverse cultures and histories for the enrichment of the American social fabric. In that context, the exchange of culture, ideas as well as commerce between the United States and China has been a longstanding cornerstone of our bilateral relationship.

For the dignity of the U.S. Senate, for the lasting peace and friendship between the people of the United States and China, we implore you, leaders of the U.S. Senate, to condemn Senator Blackburn for her outrageous comments, demand her apology, and censure her for the false and racist remarks injurious to the revered U.S. Senate, many American citizens, and the 5,000 year history of cultural contributions of the Chinese civilization.

The Chinese American organizations in 50 states (The letter is still in circulation for signatures)

Source: https://ucausa.org